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Children left crying in gunman drill WTF!!
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[quote] [b]White Hawk said:[/b] we're not so far behind in the UK [/quote] If I'm not mistaken I believe you Brits are the most heavily survieled (sp?)people in the world...talking about cameras specifically. And tho' we hear considerably more about the US Patriot Act I'm almost certain the Canadian equivalent is far more onerous and till very recently so too the British equivalent. I can't recall the case but I do remember a British court ruling the British version violated certain rights. I accept the premise that certain security issues must be - upgraded, if you will, but I take great exception to the mantra: "If you've got nothing to hide...." That just may well be the most dangerous [i]thought[/i] ever. (Not referring to you WhiteH) ___________________________________________________________________________ "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain
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