OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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The other day when I came into work, I logged into my computer. I noticed that the domain policy scripts were running quite long. When my computer finally came up, I noticed a new piece of software called [url=http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.asp]SnagIt[/url]. OK...I didn't know what it was but a quick google search told me. I was in the office all day yesterday and was working on some stuff when I noticed in my SystemTray, an icon flash real quick and go away. It looked very much like the SnagIt icon. Strange I thought.... Then today I got an email from one of the other IT guys in another branch. Just had a screen shot sent from our corporate office from someones computer in the other branch (hope that made sense). Now...when I'm at work, I am working. Usually get here about 30-45 minutes early and not leave until 45 - 60 minutes over. I don't have time to goof off. But I also don't appreciate someone spying on my (if this is indeed the case). It is bad enough that I have to keep a time sheet *and* have GPS on my car. They know exactly where I am at any given time. So I ask you all...is there somewhere I can find information on what a company can and can not do like this? Thanks in advance! Later, C:\
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