OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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[quote] [b]twItch^ said:[/b] And if it were corporate spyware, I'd be out of the office and taking my vacation time and last checks faster than you can say "At Will". [/quote] How I wish I could do that. However, I need my job to pay bills and well, stay married. :p I will bring it to someones attention. Just like putting in the IGSA filter that prevents me to get to some sites that I need in order to do my job. As far as any "written agreement" the only one there is, is this: (company name deleted for privacy) [quote] I ______________________, have been issued and received a laptop computer and other property as described below by <company>, and in consideration of such, do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions. I. I will be held responsible for any theft, damage, or loss of the laptop computer, and other property described below in accordance with company policies. II. I agree not to use any unlicensed software on the laptop issued to me by <company>. All software used on <company> computers will be properly licensed and controlled. New software and upgrades may be loaded on a company computer after receiving approval from the Corporate Computer Administrator or Branch Manager. At regular intervals, software on company computers may be audited to insure compliance with this policy. III. I will use the equipment and properties described herein for business purposes only and use only passwords assigned by <company> Corporate Computer Administrator. [/quote] Now...the part where they say "software on company computers may be audited to insure compliance with this policy" kind of digs at me sort of. They have in place "Managed Software" so they can see everything that is loaded on a computer. I don't really care about that. Nothing illegal or anything on it. Just some of my own software that I need (or free stuff like Mr. Max's HTML Beauty). I don't see anything about, "We hold the right to take scree shots of your computer to see what you are doing" though. Later, C:\
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