OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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[quote] [b]twItch^ said:[/b] You're welcome to disagree. But I happen to know that unions are all but powerless & totally corrupt, strike-busting is a way of life for industrial workers, temporary employment (scabs, et al) are on the rise, we work longer and longer hours with fewer and fewer benefits (healthcare? At a tech firm?), we can be fired with or without cause (I've read of bosses adding 'no smoking' rules, on or off the clock, for example) at any point in our day. I've read of large companies doing evil things to subvert the American worker (like Gilette stopping production in Atlanta and over-producing in Germany, despite the higher cost of work there, simply for the purposes of enraging class war). I've watched billion dollar companies folding like houses of cards because of corrupt leadership who can't keep their hands out of the corporate pocket, (Enron? Tyco? Adelphia?) and we all know we're throwing the dice when we're offered retirement plans.No, DL, the workforce in America is in a pitiful state. But apparently we're too tired to fight it. So chip, chip, chip.-steve [/quote] All of these things are things that we *love* to think were once so much better (and some I'd say are simply inaccurate). That somehow there was a golden age of humanity where everything was nice and everyone was treated fairly. Whatever your take on the state of things today, it's still better than it has been throughout history (healthcare? A hundred years ago? ;) ) ~shrug~ not saying it's what it should be. Just saying it has never been, and pipe dreams we tend to think of as having happened usually never did. =) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 05-18-2007 19:52)[/small]
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