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Suspicious acts at work...???
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Wow, you guys work in some really messed up work environments! We have two networks at my workplace - the company network, for official business, etc, and our test environment, which is totally unmonitored, and is not connected to the company network. Best of both worlds, really. I have no idea why any employer would want to monitor all their Employees on a constant basis. That must be generating an incredible amount of data for all those employees every day! Even if the results are going into an automated process, it has to be analysed and interpreted somewhere down the line... A middle manager's nightmare. We normally get a monthly "pep" meeting with our Team Leader - and that is normally enough to determine if someone is doing thier job or not. Occassionally there is monitoring, but normally only if someone has below values in thier PeP ratings. Anything more than this (and even this has fallen out of disuse in most projects due to money and time constraints - i.e. manhours) is not only too expensive, but too time intensive for middle management to actually do. And to be honest, the only time things start to get serious, is if projected ratings for the project are not being met - i.e. it is not hitting the economic forecasts. I'm basically with twItch^ - one needs to draw the line somewhere, and needs to stand up for oneself when one feels that they are being unfairly mistreated. My work career is a testament to this principle. It is more than possible to do this in a civil and professional manner, and still not only remain hired, but to also work one's way up the corporate ladder. Remember, hysterics and overreaction rarely lead to a positive solution. I normally gather information first, and [b]get my facts straight![/b] before first working my way up the chain of command. A positively written (yes, corporate-speak here, because that is what *they* understand) explanation and offered solutions to the problem that are not only feasible, but easy to impliment - include facts and only facts, but pad them with nice, sickly-positive wording. Get everything in writing, and make sure that those who have read your proposal respond to it in a written fashion [b]AND SAVE THESE OUTSIDE OF THE NORMAL NETWORK![/b] Time and time again, such has come to my rescue when someone tried to pass the blame onto me. Then it is a matter of getting the necessary resources mobilized, and using your human networking to forge ahead. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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