OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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Not all employees are honest. A company in the U.S. (not sure about Canada) has the right to monitor emails, internet use. While this pisses off honest people, we can take it or leave it. Employers are not putting guns to our heads to work for them. If you don't like the policy, tell them...or tell them as part of your "exit interview" when you resign. Monitoring does allow a company to ensure that its IP (intellectual property) is being respected (we just fired someone we had just hired because we found out, too late, that he sold trade secrets at his previous company), that nobody is downloading porn, and nobody is engaged in child porn. A few years ago, the VP of a local high school was caught with tons of kiddy porn on his hard drive - he was fired - but the school never recovered from the bad publicity. So there is risk, legal and business, for companies that have laissez-faire attitudes. Our company does not monitor internet use but if you walk around the halls you will see many employees abusing that privilege, spending hours surfing or researching their next car or a new home. I think a company [b]should tell its employees[/b] that they are doing the monitoring though. This keeps the honest people honest. I would not work for a company that spies on me. But again, you don't like the polices, then GTFO. Nature & Travel Photography [url=http://www.sleepingwolves.com]Visit the Sleeping Wolves[/url] edit: just for the record, i think what cprompts company is doing is disgusting and deceitful...i would tell em to take their job and shove it. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6261]SleepingWolf[/url] on 05-19-2007 00:18)[/small]
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