OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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A case for consideration: An individual was forced to resign a small firm over a blank refusal to answer questions regarding a personal relationship with a client's staff member. Both the client's firm and the individual's own firm were covertly aware of a relationship, as both individuals involved had engaged in personal discussions through company email. While the relationship had little to do with their respective employment, it seems that an influential member of the client's staff threatened to switch contractors over the alleged affair, thus denying a substantial source of revenue for the small firm. There were no dismissals and no action could logically or rightfully be taken by either firm against any individual, yet the threat of potential ruination through the loss of a critical client culminated in political pressure upon the individual to seek alternative employment. The individual was afforded paid time for a job search, and arrangements were otherwise fairly amicable, but the individual was never informed that emails were monitored despite their content being pivotal in the lead-up to these specific events. While an individual is protected to some degree from unfair or constructive dismissal, and while a personal relationship between employees in collaborating firms should really be nobody's business but theirs, circumstances are never that straight forward. Not all forms of persecution by influential individuals falls into the category of law. Arguably, this serves as good reason never to engage in unsecured personal communication on company email/networks, and highlights the damage potentially wrought by the irresponsible dissemination of what should be privileged information. While all email is vulnerable to compromise, one should consider work emails, networks and PCs about as private as a station toilet. Even if communications contain nothing of any technical relevance to one's contract, there is wisdom in keeping things to oneself. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 05-20-2007 03:26)[/small]
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