OZONE Asylum
Suspicious acts at work...???
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We as employees trust the company not to bounce checks. The company should trust the employee to do the work required to earn that paycheck. That's the Way It Should Be(tm). Fact is that, at least in America, we don't like that paradigm. That requires the billionaire at the top of the food chain to trust the underlings making under $50k/year. That will never happen. But we're docile enough, as a work force, that we're okay with that sort of treatment. We have Human Resources departments (when did humanity become a resource?) that make sure people fill out their timesheets and sign the correct papers and kiss the right ass. We have managers who don't know what the engineers are doing, we have engineers who don't know what the sales people are doing, and we have a big fat cat at the top who doesn't care what anyone else is doing so long as it keeps his bottom line tight and his wallet packed. This is not a good thing. I recognize that argument for employee surveilance--their equipment, their accounts being drained by your employment, etc, etc--but when there is no trust at all, that is a hostile working environment. Fortunately for them, we can all be replaced relatively quickly with someone who has comparable skills. The world's just too damn big to think we are, as simple cogs, more important than ... well, simple cogs. I say raise a fucking ruckus. If I noticed any program running on my computer that I did not initiate, I would terminate it, find its source, and kill it. If it came back, I'd do it again. And again. And if it were corporate spyware, I'd be out of the office and taking my vacation time and last checks faster than you can say "At Will". We keep falling back when it comes to our rights as workers. We have almost none left. But I know where I've drawn my line, and no company will ever cross it. Whether it's a development firm I'm working for, or the U.S. government, I say, "This far, no further." But, then, that's just me. :) -[url=http://www.brokenhattrick.com]steve[/url]
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