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linux ubuntu.... what do you think
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I Just installed the kde desktop... a lot of eye candy, but I think I am partial to gnome. All the desktop sounds are kind of annoying. @ WebShaman - Agreed. There is much to be hammered out in linux. I think you're right. it is primarily applications. People generally use their machines for certain specific purposes. They get used to what they know, and many times are not hearing anything else. - they don't have the time or interest to relearn alternative applications. They just want to do what they have always done and that's it. I run into alot of these people. My wife was finally motivated to use a computer when she realized that she could text message here family in the Phillipines regularly through yahoo text messanger (built into ym). Unfortunately, there is no current build on linux for that application. Nor for picasa (which she also uses...). So even though I have ubuntu installed on her computer and she won't touch it save to switch back to windows. I think there real key here is better application support. Although this is much to do with the app developer then the os developer. So I guess convincing software devs to code cross platform will be the deal breaker...
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