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linux ubuntu.... what do you think
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jive : see if this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 seems these guys went through some lengthy process to test it. Unfortunately I don't have dual monitors so I can't really test it myself. I was asking what video card because some cards have proprietary drivers that kind of muck things up. [quote] [b]reisio said:[/b] It's been ready. ... [/quote] I couldn't agree more. Think about how long Windows has been around. People are used to it just like walking. If people would just sit down and give it a go, they would be more apt to use it. They see that it's a bit different and bam...they get rid of it. Or, like reisio said, you have some windows program and it won't run under Wine and they give up. My dad needed MS Office. I gave him OpenOffice. He hates it. It's not MS Office. Works the same, it's just named different I guess. Dunno, some people are set in their ways. I know that sometimes there are some "tweaks" involved. But for the most part, it runs just fine out of the box. For the Windows program that you use, there is a free Linux something-or-another out there that works just the same. enough of my soapbox. Dinner time. :) Later, C:\
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