OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
How to get that perfect creative job?
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[quote]So how do you get there? Here is an example of something that would just make me so happy but I know for a fact they will get a giggling fit if they read my CV[/quote] My only words of reason would be to get past that attitude. Unless someone just hands you your job, you'll never get it unless you do throw your CV out there, regardless of what you think might happen. The worst that could happen is they reply saying "Thanks, but no thanks." Do lots and lots of searching too. Not just in a couple job databases, but anywhere and everywhere you can think of. If there's places you find that aren't too far away, try and go talk to people there. Every job you see available and every person you talk to gets you a step closer. I'm afraid I don't have too much more advice though... Good luck finding the job you want :) -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
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