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AD&D, here we go again
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Here we go again. Last champaign we ditched. We saw everything was a bad deal so we bailed using Rope Trick and Deep Pockets. It's a neat trick for low-level spells if you ever get into that kind of a demon-infested mess. Next! Next champaign we both rolled up outdoorsie-types. She was a part swanmay druidess and I was a half-elf rock-hopper. Quiet village in the middle of no where in particular. Some of the usual rumours and things going around. A girl comes up missing, monster spotted in the forest, evil tower in the middle of the swamp, friendly stand-off with the kobolds in a near by cave system - that kind of thing. Just a couple of funny things that happened in the few sessions we had in this champaign. Or maybe most of it because it was rather short. The swanmay befriended an elven cat. Whatever they are called, this one was named Kitty. For the short time we played, Kitty was a big part of the party. We had a very hard time getting into the evil tower in the middle of the swamp. Everytime we tried to get in, we would fail our saves and run all the way back to town in fear. "Did you see that?!" "No, but it was scary!" Too funny. The kobolds were being supplied with weapons and they decided to let their presence be known. In our first fight with them, I made off with the leader in two rounds. They attacked in perfect ambush formation, I ran straight for the leader without breaking stride, grappled him into an armlock, and kept on running with him. The rest were left scratching their short-furred heads. Too funny. After a bit with the leader, we learned that some of the weapons that they were being supplied with were magical. I strung him up in a tree for safe keeping. Didn't kill him because we needed him for further ... stuff. Somewhere in there we got into a fight with a disembodied hand that used to belong to a local lumberjack. We thought about keeping it as a pet or using it as a grapple, but we gave it back and he burned it. Then the kobolds decided to attack the village in ernest with wardogs and everything. They sure were pissed. When I got to the fight, a crazy kobold just went down. Another kobold grabbed the spear and started getting crazy, too. Chanting, stomping feet, frothing, and displaying the spear. Before the new kobold could get a full-on frenzy with the magical spear, I disarmed him with my whip and he was left standing there with a look of disbelief. Then there was a mad scramble to get the spear. It was between myself and two other kobolds. One kobold skewered the other kobold, which left me free to recover the magic spear. Suckers! The swanmay had one hell of a fight. A wardog grappled her and was doing automatic damage to her leg with it's massive jaws. What does she do? She grapples back and starts chewing on the dog's ear. Of course, we were laughing pretty good. That dog breaks off to lick it's wounded ear and another one grapples her in it's place. What does she do? She grapples back again and starts chewing wardog ear all over again. Then she did a called shot to shove her fingers up it's nose and got it! By this time we were almost falling out of our chairs with laughter. This petite little dinky swanmay druidess grappling with wardogs as big as her - vicious little minx. We did eventually make it into the evil tower. We held hands and kept reassurring ourselves and each other. It was a touching moment of friendship. And what we found inside was so not cool. In the room in the tower, we found bodies hanging from meat hooks by the backs of the heads. Two of them snapped awake, tore themselves off of the hooks, and attacked. Then we heard a glutteral sound from the stairs where we came up. Yeah, we went out the window pretty quick. We also found a teddy bear that belonged to the little girl that had gone missing days before. We eventually took the teddy bear back to the parents for a truly gut-wrenching episode. After that, we had had enough. We did an impromptu attack on the evil castle and ended up on meat hooks. Game over.
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