OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
AD&D, here we go again
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Well, damn it. Looks like it's the end of this one already. And we didn't even get the chance to die heroically. Half of my bud's basement is our gaming area. Actually, more like a third. But it's still a decent sized area with an uber table and lots of shelves. Quite a few props, dry erase boards, maps, and a ton of miniatures. He told the boys to clean the table and our current characters got lost in the shuffle. We lost our characters and I lost my PHB. Luckily I found my DM screen with some stuff in it and my Aurora's. All dice accounted for as well. So, looks like we are going to take this opportunity to start learning 3.5. We've been doing 2nd forever, but times are a changing I guess. Going to stick to crawling Undermountain while we get the hang of things. Nothing like good ol' Undermountain for cutting your teeth. As long as he doesn't start getting creative with Grimtooth's Traps. Ugh. Already started making characters, but going to take some reading to finish fleshing out. I'm going to be playing a beefy sorcerer. Direct and in your face - with the muscle to back it up. Will probably be leaning towards Invoke/Evoke spells. Not sure what my partner is going to be playing. She said she wanted to play a thiefly with some beef. That's pretty much 3 out of 4 bases covered. I can't help but wonder what kind of priestly NPC we'll end up tromping around with. Well, cheers.
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