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Best monitor for developers?
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I like the HP 2035's that I have at work. Very clear, supports 1600x1200, I've only had a problem with one of them and it didn't work out of the box. On the issue of having multiple monitors, I think more is better :) I've got a dual setup on a desktop at work, and a 2nd monitor hooked up to my laptop, then the two computers running [url=http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/]Synergy[/url], so I can use both computers and all 4 screens seamlessly with one keyboard and mouse. It's been the greatest thing ever. The HP 2035's also rotate, so you can change it to portrait orientation as opposed to the standard landscape. Pretty much the opposite effect of having a widescreen, but having the 4th monitor on its side comes in handy a lot of times. I definitely wouldn't want them all on their end though. Now if only I could mount the 2nd monitor on my laptop [i]above[/i] my laptop instead of next to it, I wouldn't ask for much more :) (Well, there is always [url=http://www.digitaltigers.com/zenview-arena-ultrahd.shtml]this[/url] ;) ) -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
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