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POW 111: On The Road
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[quote] [b]Suho1004 said:[/b] but there was a lot of hacking done between those two photos (actual hacking, that is, not the kind that requires a computer) [/quote] Actually, Suho, as you probably know, that is where the term hacking comes from. It was originally a golf term to refer to someone who wasn't a very good golfer, as in, "He just hacks at the ball." --> a hacker. They were referring to hacking at the ball the same way you would use a machete to hack at limbs. In the 1960s and 70s it was use to refer to a coder who didn't spend any time designing his program, but just hacked at it to make it work. In the 1980s it became cool to be a hacker of code. You didn't have to be good at computer programming, you just hacked your way through the code and made a program that worked (some of the time). At about that time it also became a term used by some people who were breaking into the telephone system. The would hack their way in using various tricks to make toll calls without having to pay for them. They started calling themselves hackers. Many of these people were the same ones who started trying to use computers and phone lines to "hack" their way into various big target computers. Lately there are people who have tried to rehabilitate the word. They say it's OK to be a hacker because those are the people who have a lot of knowledge of the internal workings of computer. What you don't want to be is a cracker: someone who uses that knowledge to try to break into other peoples computers. I personally don't want to be called either. I'm a computer scientist and don't like using ad hock programming to create systems. The system should be designed and then built, not hacked together with chewing gum and bailing wire. Whoa, that was a long step. I got up on that soap box without realizing I had done so...:)
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