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Ok, I've got a stupid question. I do weekly updates on several site. For which I receive news and copy mostly as Word docs. The problem is when I copy and past, or directly from Word to my editor or export from word. I have to manual replace the incorrect encode quotes and some other characters, and the manually add paragraph brakes. Word convert to HTML mostly sucks, and I'm in need of a better solution. Is there a better way convert this text very simple, basic HTML. Perhaps just inserting proper paragraph tags. I currently don't use Dreamweaver. My current editor of choice is Webuilder, so far I haven't found a solution using it. It does include HTML tidy, which I've played with a little, but I haven't haven't had much luck. I've have found several online converters, I need a client side solution as I need the copy to remain confidential until posted. J. Stuart J. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/704]jstuartj[/url] on 06-13-2007 21:09)[/small]
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