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How Not to Reply to a Business Inquiry
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You know, I never fancied myself much of a businessman. But over the last couple of years, I've come to realize I'm better at conducting business than many so-called professionals out there. Some I've learned by watching others, but a lot of it, to me, just seems like common sense. Today, I sent a number of inquiries to various companies about developing a portion of my upcoming Web site, one of which I had to send using the company's contact form. I gave that particular company, as I did the others, my name, my e-mail address and an explanation of what I was looking for (commerce functionality for selling my photographs). Here's their reply (emphasis mine): [quote] Dear Wesley, Thank you for taking the time to explore [company name omitted] and introduce yourself. Successfully launching a web project is an interesting and rewarding process. The first step is finding the right people for your particular needs. We appreciate that you have already chosen to learn about what our web design firm can offer you. Based on the requirements you shared, I am thinking that we would not be a good match in your case. [b]We do not usually work with nearly anonymous individuals (no phone, no address).[/b] Also, we do not specialize in Drupal. [b]Your photography work looks great,[/b] and we wish you all of the very best Wesley. Thank you again for your interest in our services. Warmest Regards, [names omitted] [/quote] First, I find it funny they think my photography work looks great, when none of my photography is currently on my site. More importantly, they don't work with "nearly anonymous individuals"? Is it just me, or is this blatantly condescending? I gave them my full name, my e-mail address and my Web site address. My inquiry was professional and detailed. What else did they need? Besides, all they had to tell me was that they didn't work with Drupal. I can say with confidence that I won't be seeking their services in the future, and I won't be recommending them to others. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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