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How Not to Reply to a Business Inquiry
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Hope that was not one I recommended :D Could be though! A lot of the people I know in the business stay very busy and will pick their clients based on criteria that seem luxurious to mere mortals. For instance I might choose to work for a company with the clear ability to pay the bill while these dudes' are interested in that, sure, but it's usually third on the list behind the positioning they can achieve for their company based on the relationship (networking) and lifetime value of the client. When you're offering a one-shot chance to build something, based on Drupal at that, it becomes difficult to justify taking the work when you're busy up to your eyeballs. But yea, sounded a bit condescending, they could have handled that reply much better. You might have gooder luck hiring off of elance or something similar, or perhaps from within the Drupal dev community. Lot more open source developers concentrated on elance and the like and with the rating systems as mature as they are now, you can usually be assured that you're getting the goods. With your organizational abilities and the specs docs you've developed I bet you'd have real good luck there. [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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