OZONE Asylum
How Not to Reply to a Business Inquiry
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(Meant to get back to this earlier, but I've been under the weather.) They sent this follow-up later that day: [quote] Dear Wesley, As a follow-up, we wanted to acknowledge that we understand you may be traveling or have other reasons for needing to remain anonymous during initial contact. We were only hoping to explain that it is extremely unusual and usually a sign of a mis-match between our firm and a potential customer. I hope it came across as we meant it in the prior email and did not offend you. Please take care, [/quote] Obviously, they, too, realized it sounded condescending. But, honestly, I've never heard of using such a criterion to determine a "mismatch" between companies. Especially since I may have withheld my phone number on initial contact [i]for the very reason they proposed[/i]. If it's so vital that they have my mailing address and phone number when making initial contact -- I don't know -- why not make those form fields [i]required[/i]? Besides -- again -- all they had to say was they didn't work with Drupal. How is anything else relevant after that? As for my not being a big enough fish to fry for them, I never even got a chance to tell them exactly what the project was. For all they know, I had $30,000 to spend on the Web's next big thing. But because I wanted them to reply via e-mail initially (so I could send them my outline), they'll never know. And don't worry, Jason, it wasn't someone you recommended. Unfortunately, the company you suggested was .NET only. But they were nice when they told me. Me, I learned something a long time ago. Everybody starts out small. Treat them as small, and they'll do the same when they get bigger than you. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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