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Honestly, if you're that green, and don't know what you're doing, I would just draw something out of a hat. Start with Google, and look up "cool business cards", "cool logos", "inspirational design", etc. Even if you don't like corporate logo/brochure type stuff, you'll need to learn basic design and composition aesthetics. Some of it might be intimidating, but once you figure out layers and text, you'll pick stuff up quick. DO TUTORIALS. No matter how daunting stuff is, you only get better by actually using PS, not by looking at stuff. I would recommend taking a class, and if you're serious, think about getting at least a Bachelors. Anything less is pointless. My best advice is to hang out with someone who knows what they're doing. If not, start with beginner tutorials, and think about going to Borders and buying a good book, one that teaches you example by example. A structured book is far better than random tutorials, but be prepared to spend $30-$40 for a book with a companion DVD. But that shouldn't be an issue since you were able to buy PS... right? www.greggorelick.com
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