OZONE Asylum
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Nice overall look. Flash navigation :\ users have to click to activate the Flash first, then click again to go to a link or see the roll over effect and the cursor doesn't change when hovering a link The [i]<td colspan="5"><h4><a name="BestBarPub"></a>Best Bar/Pub</h4></td>[/i] should probably be a TH and the [i]name[/i] of the <a/> be put as the [i]id[/i] of the TH. Also I thing those H4, if they are needed anyway, should have no border but a light gray background color. It would be nice to have a zebra tables, and|or a slightly different background color when you hover a TR. The list of Finalist/Winners should definitely be in an OL or UL. The [i]<hr size="1" noshade>[/i] aren't necessary. It's a bit weird to mix Sans-Serif ( all the things made in Flash, the logo and the 2 links at the top ) and Serif ( all the HTML content ) fonts. [url=http://www.p01.org/][sigrotate][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_neon88x31.gif[/img][/sigrotate][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2185]poi[/url] on 06-27-2007 22:26)[/small]
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