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Seriously- I don't know what I would do if I lost my iGoogle page... I just wish I could add my bank page in an xml and my cell phone. It's my home page- I reload it fanatically (even though it reloads itself automatically) and people look at me weird because I always know everything.. [i]"Man, I've been looking forward to sealing the roof- I hope it doesn't rain." "It's gonna rain every day until Saturday" "Geez I wish I could pay someone to do it, but it's not like I'm Bill Gates." "Did you know [url=http://slashdot.org/articles/07/07/04/0017246.shtml]Bill Gates it no longer the world's richest person[/url]?"[/i] I love my iGoogle page so much, I'ma go ahead and list here all of my feeds- try and stop me- *Quotes of the Day *Dictionary.com Word of the Day *Gullible Info (Random facts that change on refresh- did you know that one in three newborn ducklings will be eaten by a larger animal in their first three weeks of life? That's so sad...) *Gmail *Jokes - jokes4all.net (Random jokes, changes on refresh) *To-Do List *Wikipedia (The search, but I almost never use it since firefox lets me "ManBearPig wikipedia" in the address bar) *[url=http://marvel.com/wallpaper/?date=2007-07-03&utm_source=rss+wallpaper+feed&utm_medium=rss+link&utm_content=wallpaper+feed&utm_campaign=rss+feeds]Marvel Wallpapers[/url] (new ones about every few days) *Love Quote of the Day *BBCRussian.com | Главная *Slashdot *[url=http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/]Coding Horror[/url] (What?! You call yourself a developer and *Don't* read this blog??) *the eXile - War Nerd (outstanding biweekly colum, read this article at least- [url=http://www.exile.ru/2007-May-04/war_nerd.html]The War Nerd- Who Won Iraq?[/url].... OOoo and [url=http://www.exile.ru/2006-November-03/the_doctrine_of_asymmetrical_war.html]The War Nerd: The Doctrine of Asymmetrical War[/url]) *Worse Than Failure (used to be The Daily WTF) ([url=http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/Check-Yo-Street-Name.aspx]Please enter your 'Street Name' -- *snicker*[/url] *Top Stories (Many news outlets - [url=http://news.google.com/news?hl=en]Google News feed[/url]) *Stock Market (The google finance applet is second to NONE, try it. Damnit, GOOG is at $534.34, I told my friend to buy 4 shares when it dipped to ~$340 last year, but we didn't.) *Google Calendar *Weather (told ya) *[url=http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page]How to of the Day[/url] (This is one of the most dangerous things I have on here... Gotta go, gotta learn to [url=http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-a-Building-With-a-Firearm]Clear a Building With a Firearm[/url]) *HowStuffWorks: Daily Stuff Feed *[url=http://www.braingle.com/index.php]Braingle - Daily Brain Teaser[/url] /me accepts the "Bigger iGoogle Whore Than CPrompt" Trophy .... [i]"I'd like to thank the Academy...."[/i] Edit: [i]Forgot to add that clicking an RSS feed on a website will have Firefox ask you if you want to add it you iGoogle page.. Might be relevant[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/418]Petskull[/url] on 07-04-2007 16:31)[/small]
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