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London Calling
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...not to mention, we've had to suffer a Labour government, Ken Livingstone and his Congestion Charge (where we pay to have more congestion through deliberately mal-synced traffic lights and poorly thought-out one-way circuits), and Spice Girls. I honestly don't know how we manage to carry on... You're more likely to be hit by a bus than blown up in one, and I think I share this opinion with every other Londoner. In the end, the only way the terror peddlars win is by peddling terror, and if he was still alive, Hitler would probably be happy to testify as to the sheer bloody-mindedness of Brits in general, let alone Londoners. There are times when I love my city... when I'm not hating it, that is. I'm glad you enjoyed it, SleepingWolf. ;) EDIT: I think it should be pointed out that the main reason London and her surrounding environs were so heavily bombed during WWII was as a direct result of Britain deliberately switching to bombing civilian targets in order to draw enemy bombs away from her millitary resources. It worked; as Germany diverted attention to our (evacuated) Capital in response, the British war machine continued to pound along relatively un-scathed. A bit of brutal-but-clever strategy on the part of Churchill, that was certainly no worse than jumping into war in the first place for the sake of Poland, only to leave that same country to be ripped to shreds by the Russians instead. In all honesty, I can't fear for my life on London's streets when I think about what my government and her allies perpetuate through deliberate ignorance and/or occupation around the globe today. I'd rather be living in a bomb-wary London than <insert random war-torn M.Eastern city here> any day... [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 07-13-2007 20:06)[/small]
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