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Yeah. Problem is, many more users than expected have configurations of the past, and little knowledge and will to improve their knowledge, for reasons. For example, some countries still use 56Kb connections, from my recent experience in Latin America, and some people have never actually ran a spyware check, let alone a virus check. The hotel lady when I was there had her pc "surprisingly infected" by a few hundreds viruses. She is 50 years old, and uses MSN and Excel only, she has no idea what a virus is, how it works, and will simply never wonder. PC in question is available to hotel guests. The user account is "Administrator" without password. So, get the IP, remote desktop, and you're the king of her castle. Same if you are a virus. And the girl who invited me to facebook is a student from a top university... in social sciences. She has no clue. She won't get any. She knows how social missions function (or disfunction). Guess this list should be part of *any* class, not only the news. And who else could improve prevention of such problems? The paradox lies in dev best practices I think. Today, development means architecture : definition of clear specs and building huge programs out of this. Recycling is a best practice, programming is not defensive anymore, it is contract based. But how trustable is the guy who built that so usable library? Humans are humans, not perfect in essence. And among development best practices "expect the user not to do what you planned him to do". So the industry publishes stuff, like javascript, and expect unexpected outcomes. Among those, security flaws (after all, Ajax was born out of undocumented features). And so on and...
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