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When I am using a technical web application I find that I want it to be easy and I do not want it to get in my way. When I am on a technical web application it is usually something that I will be using more than one time, and more often it is a constant reference. The very important things to me are: 1. An excellent search mechanism. I want to be able to type in my search term and present me with the exact document I am looking for. PHP.com has a search feature that is great. I can type in mysql_connect and I will be taken to the mysql_connect function page. That is a great feature that I use all of the time. 2. I want the site to be really readable. I am most likely going to be sitting on this site for a couple of hours pouring over documentation. I really want to be able to easily read the content. 20-30em line lengths, and bigger text sizes. I want to be able to sit back in my chair and read the document, not have to be really close in there. 3. It has to print really nicely. An alternate stylesheet for printing is 100% needed. I might get tired of looking at the screen and want to take the documents offline for an easier read. 4. I want to be able to be able to access my recent history without being logged in. A list that keeps track of where I have been so I can back to a previous point is really nice. Keeping track of this in a session is a perfect way to do this. 5. I want to be able to open the site in multiple tabs without losing anything. The UI style is really secondary as long as it does not get in my way. I want it to be clean and consistent. I should have a header that can take me everywhere I might want to go, and a footer that can get me back to the main area, next page, or topic index. You will find that most technical webapps are minimal in their approach to design. The widget set should be consistent and convey meaning. Nothing I look at should make me wonder why it is like that. Some examples: http://www.mozilla.org/developer/ http://www.php.net/ http://www.prototypejs.org/api http://api.rubyonrails.org/ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/index.html Both of these sites have a similar type of layout that really helps the user get around their site. Prototype, Java and Rails do not have a search feature which sucks. All of them allow you to dig down to the content document you want pretty effectively. A great full featured webapplication is http://www.basecamphq.com/ which really stays out of your way. Again a really minimal design style that lets you do what you need to do, and does not hinder you. Dan [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url] | [url=http://www.zombiehead.org]Zombie Head[/url] | [url=http//www.howmuchtp.com]How Much TP?[/url]
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