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Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE. KDE is a Windows Manager (WM). Gnome is another. XFCE a third. Their job is just managing your windows. Kubuntu is merely a bundle, but a good one because you'll find 90% of what Windows gives : "control panels" called system settings, a home folder for "my documents", and so on and so forth, transition is easy. Essentialy, KDE is : info at many locations (right click OR some key combination OR...), redundant info for the user to have several ways to get stuff done. Gnome is : purist stuff, minimalist when compared to KDE. Docs are the area where the Ubuntu system is a bit lacking at the moment, in spite of excellent forums and tons of tutorials. Go for Kubuntu, it's "ready to really go" and doesn't remove anything from Ubuntu. BUT the drawback is : many tutorials are made for Gnome, many users claim their linuxishness this way, and this has misled me a couple of times. Even if an application is designed for one or another Windows manager, you can use it in another (so apps with "gnome" in the name, you can use in KDE). Tao, we can do something : since you want to give it a serious go, pick Kubuntu, I am now confortable enough with the system to tailor my assistance to your needs, hopefully, step by step, I can guide you through quirks to success. (and I owe most of my discoveries to this thread, reisio, Petskull, thanks a bunch). If you can, post about your hardware : motherboard brand (AMD, Intel?), graphic card, sound card, resolution, special peripherals (dvd r/w? multi layer?).
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