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[quote] [b]Tao said:[/b] For instance playing MP3's [/quote] MP3 format is not open source so it's not included with Linux (at least that's what I have been told). If you are ripping CD's then I might suggest trying the ogg format or FLAC. flac is awesome and lossless format ;) The lib that you need should be available in the adept manager. If it isn't enable the "Universe" repositories and it should show up. Just do a search for MP3 and it should give you a bunch of stuff. Try XMMS player as well. If you are playing a cd and no sound, I had that problem once a while back. The CD player needed to be ran into the sound card. Not real sure why Winders could play without it being connected directly to the sound card and linux had an issue with it, but it worked after that. On another note, my linux hard drive just took a nose dive last night apparently. I have 2 hard drives, 1 SATA with WindowsXP and an IDE with Linux on it. I set it up so that GRUB would give the option of either Windows or Linux...and apparently it all went south for some reason. I got up this morning and flicked on the monitor to find a black screen that said "Primary Drive not Found. Press F1 to continue". Well, F1 did nothing but give me the error again. Unplugged the Linux drive and got the same screen but F1 will now boot into Windows. Plugged up the Linux drive and unplugged the Windows drive and nothing. So...going to just re-install with a fresh Fiesty Fawn. Although, I might just try Gentoo for giggles and see what that is all about. Later, C:\ [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1079]CPrompt[/url] on 08-04-2007 16:31)[/small]
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