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Well, when you get back to it, maybe we can help a bit more. I had some major problems with my sound card at one time and it was simply a data cord that needed to be hooked up from the cd player to the sound card. LOL I got mine running again. It was weird. I swapped out the video card to see if I could get it to work. Couldn't so I put the old card back in. After that...poof. It was all gone. I do have a question though. Is there something special you have to do to get it to run on a different kernel? I have the option to load 3 different kernels. .10, .11 and .12. I can run .10 but if I choose 11 or 12, it goes to a command line and if log in and do "startx", it gets so far and freezes or just goes back to command line. I wonder if I just need to load the video drivers for that kernel?... Later, C:\
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