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nah, pepper spray is for demonstrators(*), not for somebody who's desperate to hurt you. It's commonly used as a self defense for women - pressumably rape isn't as much fun if your eyes hurt like hell, but it does not help on people doped out of their mind, or people that are in a fight-or-flight situation (not that there's that much difference biochemical). Honestly, I never considerd it much of a self defense weapon either. It's way to easy to get it into your face in a close up situation instead, it does not stop junkies, it does not leave a (semi)-permament mark on your attacker... the only thing more bloody useless is a taser in the hands of a non professional (it has only one shot - hew good can a untrained person aim in a high stress situation where she'd use a taser in the first place?) so long, TP * and that's the nicer countries on this globe. Here they mostly use giant water canons to disperse demonstrators, other places the use 'rubber bullets' which tend to put out eyes...
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