Topic: Excel Help Needed :-/ Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic: Excel Help Needed :-/" rel="nofollow" >Topic: Excel Help Needed :-/\

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Maniac (V) Mad Librarian

From: the space between us
Insane since: Sep 2002

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 10:58 Edit Quote

hey inmates, i need some help here. i'm not sure if this is even possible with excel, but i thought i should ask.
i got a table like this

customer   text        fee
23458        blabla     10 euros
23458        blabla     30 euros
12521        blabla     5 euros
12521        blabla     6 euros
12521        blabla     17 euros
13542        blabla     8 euros

now what i want is to make a sum of all fees from each customer. so for customer 23458 this would be 40 euros. and so on.
i cant do this by hand because the table has about 30.000 entries.
of course something like this should be done in access, but thats not my fault - i got this table from my chief.
however, i have the option (if there is no other way round) to export the whole table to access, but how do you write a query which sums all the fees from every customer without telling the computer WHICH customer it has to select everytime? i want the program to automatically find table rows with the same customer ids AND to summarize it's fees. any help or tips would be very much appreciated!
thanks in advance!

The Space Between Us | My Blog:

argo navis
Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2007

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 11:39 Edit Quote

I think "Data subtotals" serves this exact purpose, but I don't remember the details.

Maniac (V) Mad Librarian

From: the space between us
Insane since: Sep 2002

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 11:51 Edit Quote

wohoo, thanks argo. thats it!

The Space Between Us | My Blog:

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 12:00 Edit Quote

First up, you'll want to Sort your spreadsheet. (Data >> Sort...) Then you can create Subtotals. It's fairly straightforward. (Data >> Subtotals...)

Justice 4 Pat Richard

argo navis
Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2007

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 13:42 Edit Quote

When it comes to pricing, rest assured I always give the best of advice

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2006

IP logged posted posted 08-02-2007 23:36 Edit Quote

I guess you got your answer Mas, but for next time: a pivot table is the fastest and most flexible way: it can be refreshed with new data, does not require sorting, and will not add sub-total lines all over the place

Two other excel options are to use the dsum function or the sumif function.

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