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Physicists have solved mystery of levitation
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i'm no master of the subject. But i do have some formal education in surfaces and interfaces. 1) this whole thing just seems like a gig to get some money to research with. They dont mention any scales, and keep using buzz words; 2) never heard of this casimir thing, but it assume i should exist in physics books and be fairly observable. It seems very weird to me. Specially because i'm only used to dealing with friction with regard to surface energies and rugosity, which both derive from Gibbs free energy =/ 3) i've seen stuff levitate before, like liquid helium, and magnets on supercondutors (these are completely, or almost completely unrelated effects), so this isnt a big deal. 4) "invisibility" has been done too, check the harry potter cape, it's not CG. Surface Physics is one of the most recent scientific areas, still, this article seems... =/ ah... scratch that! INVIBLE FLOATING CARS FTW! [i]~this is not a signature~[/i]
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