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Philosophy and other Silliness
How many chances for a relationship to grow out of an affair?
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Life is all about crushing misery, it happens. and being thankful for the good times is all we have to live for. Relationships with the opposite sex (assuming you're heterosexual) are like mini series of life. they're intense and can be full of ups and downs. But strength is in controlling oneself, controlling your emotions, and controlling your guilt. Cheating is nothing more than societies stigma, care little for it and look forward. What a man does in his time is his own business and his to share at his choosing. If he has respect for his long term partner he should deal with his actions and choices as a man, with care and consideration for others. But mostly consideration for himself. A man that has to cry to his girlfriend every time he is intimate with another woman isn't a man. A man that has to hold a relationship with a girl that he cares little for isn't a man. A man that is in control of his environment and his social activity IS a man. Love isn't on or off, it grows and needs to be nurtured, if love is what they want then they have to earn it, they can't just expect it to stay around. Sounds to me like it's all about the sex for the girl and all about the guilt for the wuss. Cheers, [img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3624]Blaise[/url] on 08-31-2007 18:39)[/small]
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