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How many chances for a relationship to grow out of an affair?
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:) very interesting indeed, pardon my amuzement, it's all for the best. [quote] It's under my impression and experience that love is a decision, while lust or desire isn't. So when someone "falls out of love" or stops being faithful, is it really love for another dictating their paths and emotions, or is it lust, desire, greed, etc? [/quote] Good question. Attraction is said by some not to be a choice, rather a behavioral response. I believe that (goes with the lust/desire/greed without judgement on my side). We all are jealous to some degree. In our societies we assume that a good parental bond will help kids grow healthy in their minds. I truly believe that a healthy relationship should be about trust, communication, respect, and a will to grow PAST the behavioral responses, after all we CAN control our lust yeah. But cheating happens. A lot. (About my friend, let's not worry, he accepted my apologies, but something inside him is still broken and different. The girl is now taking care of cattle and retired of society altogether). Why? Billions of reasons. Lack of self esteem. Lack of respect for others. Lack of education in that regard. Not one good reason, cheating is cheating, YET some people do it. ...I now think that except a stunning case of "love at first sight", there is no affair which will develop easilly, because of the initial lies, and also because what was missing in the original couple may not be the whole of a relationship (so the cheater may find, once out of the relationship, that it was all illusion). This said, you mentionned unconditional love, which is good, and yet a topic for another debate : how much of inconditional love should be given? I, for one, tolerate cold shoulder or other bullshit from girls in very limited amounts, VERY limited, am I being selfish? I am interested, it's introspection season 0)
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