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How many chances for a relationship to grow out of an affair?
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You have a healthy way about your beliefs Gideon. "pulls the jealousy trick", etc. You acknowledge reality while standing for your beliefs. Kudos. Good stuff. Can lust be a good thing in certain contexts? Of course, lust fosters instinctive mating. Practically speaking, it's nothing more than that, while a human mind and soul are so much more complex. Hence the "flaw" : instinctive ways of mating will lead low self esteem girls to accept abuse from cheating partner, for instance. They will lead "dumpee Joe" right back into the ex's panties. And so on and so forth. In the end, and to tie it at the same time with your perception of God and my perception of a "broader" reality (than just facts and observations), it all comes down to choosing a way that is not harmful to oneself, nor to the species. Every choice in life brings a person closer to "God" (and whatever that concept may encompass) or the devil (and life threatening ways and actions). Geez... we be deep.
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