OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
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I'm in no way qualified to advise you on this but these are my thoughts and personal opinions. I hope they help. I'll use 'she' because you avoided mentioning that person's sex. Secrecy about the revelation only means insecurity in her beliefs. Most probably suppressed comprehension that what she claims is untrue. Why she suppresses that understanding is probably because she tries to escape from the torturing emotional problems such as shame and anguish. What she truly needs is to overcome her self esteem problem and to accept her mistakes however this is probably not the easiest thing to start with. What she needs right away is love, closeness and acceptance however she needs this from the right person or people. What she does not need is a poor substitute for reality that only delays her having to confront with her demons. She must feel like she needs to find a place of sanctuary, a dreamworld to hide away from the worldly troubles and the people who remind her of those. She needs a helping hand to pull her out of that pit but not to support her forever but to help her become strong for herself and by herself. I notice you use the word 'sect' in a in a negative sense with implied association to some kind of evil or wrongness. But how would you then call a religious group which has a more ethical religion than the religious group that it derives from? Also doesn't using "joyful celebration" sound kind of belittling?
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