OZONE Asylum
Vista anyone?
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I'm not a Microsoft fan boy but... 1) January was way too long ago. 2) If you have a chance of trying vista for free then go for it and decide for yourself. In the thread that NoJive suggested there are a lot of linux users complaining about vista while they obviously have less experience using windows/vista than they have with linux. Because I'm mostly a windows user (need to use it at work and choose to use it at home because of games) when I've tried different linux distros they have felt uncomfortable, clumsy and bugged to me. For example when about 2 years ago I tried to use ubuntu it couldn't recognize my monitor's native 1024*768 resolution and instead it displayed 800x600 ... and in the whatever 'display settings' equivalent thingy that there was there were no higher options either and no way to override anything. For that matter all the settings dialogs were much less advanced than their equivalents in windows. Of course I just need to find config file x and edit line y and force another resolution because the damn thing is bugged and I'm perfectly capable of doing that but why as an user should I concern myself with that and waste my time on such things. Same crap with my network card - works perfectly in windows without me having to install anything ... but no ... not in ubuntu. And it wasn't anything special or rare either ... regular nforce2 chipset. And don't tell me to stfw or alike when my network card doesn't work. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3736]Arthurio[/url] on 09-11-2007 13:59)[/small]
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