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Hey Bugs, good to see you. [quote]Bugs: I usually dismiss conspiracy theories simply because they are conspiracy theories.[/quote] Ahh, but what is a conspiracy theory? What benchmark sets the difference between a "conspiracy theory" and an "official story"? Since it is the obvious elephant in the room, take 9/11 for instance; specifically the fall of the twin towers and WTC7. Whether you look at what a growing number of people believe, including some credible professionals, that there were explosives in the buildings which helped bring them down, or the official story, that the jet fuel ignited, weakening the steel trusses leading to a total pancake collapse, both are theories about a conspiracy. That one comes from the government and/or government funded organizations (NIST in this case) and that somehow makes it more credible is actually pretty humorous if you really think about it, considering how honest we know government in general to be. When we start getting into irrational thought and make a jump or jumps based on what we want the conclusion to be, such as those who espouse that it was the elites, Illuminati, NWO, Zionists, Bush himself, Inter-dimensional lizards ala David Icke, etc... because it fits into their view and helps them make more sense of something, we are now into another realm, something different than conspiracy theory. Not sure what you would call it, not lies necessarily, because people sincerely believe this...myth perhaps. From this perspective, we are all conspiracy theorists to a degree I think. In any case, I think it is sad that the phrase has picked up such a negative connotation, especially in the latter half of the 20th century, because it stops people from questioning, and in many cases it stops them from questioning things that should be questioned. Back to 9/11 for a moment. I have been studying all facets, but particularly the collapses, for close to 3 years now (but what about this, and this, etc...), and I think it is not only valid to question something that has had such an effect on our nation and the world, but vital. Especially considering that the report we were given was wholly inadequate. If anything, I would hope you agree there. If not I urge you to dig deeper. Nowadays, anything that goes against the official story all gets lumped into this group called "conspiracy theorists" and it is not long before the tin-foil hat accusations start flying, and that is a dangerous situation because it shuts down the critical thinking processes of the masses and gives those with a will to do harm great leeway. A method of control it is. Whether a natural phenomenon or an organized system of control matters not, but the control and the power that comes with it is there to be exploited. Without rambling on all night, I suppose what I am trying to point out is you should never pass up looking into something simply because it has had the phrase "conspiracy theory" applied to it by the masses, the media, the government or whoever. Often times today's conspiracy theory turns out to be tomorrow's conspiracy fact. As a side note, in case you are wondering, what I think about 9/11 is quite simple. I don't really know much further than to say I think we've been lied to. What's important is that we all look into these things ourselves and stop taking what is fed to us as truth. I think you would agree. [quote]I'm not sure I agree with your point about this shoddy movie being a good thing though. Wouldn't it be better for people to be inspired to look deeper by the voice of reason rather than propaganda?[/quote] Absolutely, it would be much more beneficial to have everything presented to us in an unbiased and totally honest way, in an ideal world. Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with propaganda, it drives our entire society; it molds our reality. Everything is biased simply because humans are inherently biased. That's a reality we have to face. So, to make a long story short, I guess I am to the point where I will take what I can get. Sure it turns some away, and in the short term may be detrimental to the movement we are all part of (whether we realize it or not) but I find in many cases it gets people digging deeper into these issues, I am an example and I have seen others go through the same transformation, and again, that is what it is all about. Getting those neurons firing, yay. :) As far as part 1 of the film goes, I struggle with this as well, which will lead me to further research from all sides. So, if you have any thoughts on where to start looking for a counter argument based on known facts I am definitely interested. Thanks. Ramasax [url=http://www.americanserf.us]www.AmericanSerf.us[/url]
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