OZONE Asylum
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Hey fellow Asylumites...It's been quite a while since I've visited the ol' Asylum. This bright orange brings back a lot of good memories of when I was learning the basics of web development and experimenting with Photoshop. I'd just like to say hello to everyone I haven't seen in so long. I used to be here everyday when the posts rolled in every minute or so. I always had a browser open with Asylum in it! :D Pretty much all I've done in the past 5 years started in this forum! I remember struggling to understand how tables worked (yikes), and the ropes of masking in Photoshop. Much of my library of understanding came from the very souls that float through these hallways, and for that I owe a debt of gratitude. Aside: WOW! The Justice 4 Pat banner is still down there eh!?! :O Anywho, I've been doing pretty well. I've gone down quite a few roads of change since being here. I started a web development company and later merged with a company that could fill in the programming gap my little outfit couldn't. From there we started selling stuff online. That was fun, but it wasn't very fulfilling. Recently, my partners and I started an online project called Mango Languages. It's an online language application that's offered free to anyone who cares to learn a new language. It's still in beta, but it's picking up! We've gotten a lot of attention from sites like Digg, Mashable, LifeHacker and other cool ones. We've got a lot of plans for it. Shameless plug: Check it out at www.mangolanguages.com and let me know what you think. I hope everyone else is doing what they've always wanted to. In a time when it was hard for me to figure that out, the Asylum always gave me a bit of direction. You guys were always patient (even after telling me to RTFM), and I always figured things out. Sometimes writing half a post and deciding not to submit was all it took for me to figure things out. For all those that are new to the Asylum...stick around! It'll take you to great places in life... Later inmates...
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