OZONE Asylum
POW 119: Pet/s
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Well, he's not exactly mine (he belongs to the parents-in-law), but I guess he's part of the family. His name is Dori, and he's a Beagle/Spaniel mix. [url=http://www.liminality.org/asylum/pow/119/dori.jpg]Dori[/url] You can probably tell by the look on his face, but he's not really big on cameras. He'll deliberately look away if you show up with a camera, so you have to trick him into looking at you by making a loud noise or something like that. On another note... not to be a pest or anything, but I've noticed that the past few POWs haven't included a link to the FAQ in the first post. Yes, most of us probably know where the POW FAQ is by now, but the link is there for newcomers who might not be familiar with what we're doing here (and might not know where to find the FAQ). And it's not all that difficult to make a FAQ link... [24551] See? :) (Click "Edit" on this post if you're not sure how to make FAQ links. It's so ridiculously easy you'll be shocked.)
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