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zavaboy: You need to add <?php print $messages ?> to your page.tpl.php. This is the statement that outputs all Drupal error and confirmation messages. One of those messages happens to be the contact-confirmation message, which should say "The message has been sent." FYI, if you want to change that message: 1. Make sure you have the Locale module installed. (It's one of the core modules.) 2. Go to Site Configuration > Localization and select "Add language." 3. Look under Custom Language. For language code, enter something like en-US. For language name, enter something like custom-English. Doesn't really matter. 4. Disable the original language and enable your new one, setting it as default. 5. Select Manage Strings. 6. Search for the message above and you can add a translation, which can just be your own wording. You can do this with about anything, as long as it uses the [url=http://api.drupal.org/api/function/t/5]t function[/url] in the code/template. I've customized a lot of messages like this. No need to edit the code. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/169]Wes[/url] on 11-12-2007 08:45)[/small]
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