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As Arthurio said, you probably don't want to make your decision based on what I have to say. As a consultant, I'm constantly switching jobs and working with new people, so I don't really identify with some of your concerns. However, I find that it's usually pretty easy to fit in to a new company. Keep in mind that they want you to be the right person at least as much as you want to be the right person for their job. It sounds as if this new company is aware that there is going to be a learning curve and are excited to have someone with your talent come to work with them. That's a big plus. Many companies don't want to admit that any time they bring someone new into the company, there is a learning curve before the new person will be productive. That is the reason most companies advertise for jobs by saying they want someone who already has all the experience they need. The thing is, even if you are doing [b]exactly[/b] what is required for the new job, there is still a learning curve while you get used to the new environment. The advantage you have with this new job is that they are aware that there will be a learning curve and are willing to work with you while you and they get through it. You say that you are a fast learner, they understand that you will be learning what they need done, and they are willing to pay you while you learn it! It all sounds pretty good to me. I think the more important considerations are: "How will this new position affect your family?" Will the new company expect you to work overtime? How will it affect your family to have you away from the home more than you are now? Is the new company willing to allow you to have time with your family and is your relationship with your family as important to the new company as it is to you? These are the kinds of questions I consider when approaching a new job. As a matter of fact, I always discuss any new job with Bobbins. She has occasionally said, "I just don't have a good feeling about this new company." That's all it takes for me to say, "OK, I'll look for something else." Good luck, I hope things work out for you which ever way you decide to go. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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