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When the GN was created finding a good tutorial was difficult. Phong's tutorials were pretty much it. Google did not do what it does now, finding good resources was hard. Now you can find a tutorial on anything and everything web development. At the time the GN filled a need, but that need does not exist anymore. Now I have made a career out of it. During my 9 to 5 I work with some pretty marginal Java frameworks that hopefully no one else here has had the pain to work with. Any questions that I might have with it would not be solved here, I would have to contact the framework developers. My hobby work is spent hacking around with Ruby on Rails and there are tons of communities out there that are completely dedicated towards that end. It is an evolution of the medium and of the people. Over the past 8 years I would guess that most of the people have either made a career out of what they have done here, or they have moved on to other things. Web development as a hobby is not what it used to be. Anyone can have a decent looking blog or a personal web page in a few clicks. When I started here that was just not possible, you had to learn HTML and how to use Photoshop before you could think of having a web page of your own. There were a lot of efforts that started and stopped quickly a few years ago about consolidating this site, and giving it a focus again, but they were all non-starters. I currently see this site as a place that was busting at the seams with talent and potential but ultimately it could not contain it all. It would be nice to say it all fluttered away, but a lot of it exploded out of here in a catastrophic ways. If you want to get this community really thriving again you need to give people a quantitative reason to stay. I think a lot of people left over the post counts being removed, they stopped seeing their contributions quantitatively. I think that this site failed to evolve with the changing climate of the people here and the web. We had lots of ideas but we failed to get the leadership together to really implement them. We pushed a lot of things off into side projects or sister sites when we should have been building this place up. I think that this place could get back to where it once was but it would take a lot of work, the kind that I no longer have the time or mind for. Dan [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url] | [url=http://www.zombiehead.org]Zombie Head[/url] | [url=http://www.howmuchtp.com]How Much TP?[/url] | [url=http://zigzagjokes.com]Zig Zag Jokes[/url]
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