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Awesome. I mean it. [quote] If you want to get this community really thriving again you need to give people a quantitative reason to stay. [/quote] I am looking at a half-full glass of fine wine, which you're seeing as a half-empty glass of not enough wine - points of view and their differences are something that never ceases to amaze me. (side-note about stats : in the time it took to pop out and back, a couple of dozens new posts have flourished, some I will read in -years, maybe. Talk about the side effects of having ideas for the hell of it). AND, last but not least.. We got two sci-fi classics at hands : [quote] (Yoda lifts Luke's X-Wing out of the swamp.) Luke: I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail. [/quote] Now think about Morpheus in the same vein... "you're not the one" (etc). I think that what really matters is ENJOYING : hard work? I guess maintaining a passion IS the point of having one, and it IS hard work, therefore, but also a lot of FUN. So I'll append one more quote, from someone even more respected than Yoda around these parts : "play is important". Enough said :)
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