OZONE Asylum
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Digging up this one before it sinks : 1) Steve has a request, above, about the GN : namely, he receives emails from there and keeps treating his duties as serious duties, and suffers from it. 2) To expand a bit on my "Star Wars" point : the Asylum CAN be improved, but old timers, strangely enough, popped back a few days after the end of this thread, to say things along the lines of "I am not dead but instead am building a family", and the likes. My point here is that : fear in life, fear of ANYTHING, is often unfounded. In this case, VERY CLEARLY, it's not the interest in Asylum which decreased for the old timers, rather the demands of life that increased. And as Yoda said very wisely, fear of failure often is the thing that hinders success the most : whatever is done to make the Asylum evolve, and whatever is suggested, sounds perfectly appropriate (as the lives of inmates and cycles of prominent inmates are subject to evolution, so should the medium that supports the community, I agree 100%), but it should be for a purpose of coziness rather for a purpose of "affirmation of identity" - let the place and it's content shine PER SE and search engines and lunatics will crowd it automagically. This place HAS an identity. It HAS a soul, and an attractive one still. Reskinning it and the GN? Sounds FUN! And that's what it should be. Peace Arkham (off for a wild wild week on my real world legs).
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