OZONE Asylum
POW 120: Autumn
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[quote] [b]Arthurio said:[/b] I hope I'm not breaking the rules too much by posting 500px wide images [/quote] The reason that rule is in place is so that the threads don't get too large, either in terms of physical size or file size. Yes, it's a somewhat arbitrary distinction, and there probably isn't that much of a difference between 450px and 500px, but when things start to slide, they often continue to slide. There's also a 40k limit, and both of your photos go way beyond that. The idea is to post thumbnails or links in the thread, not the actual pics themselves. Thus 450px (and, more importantly, 40k) should be more than enough. So, in the future, you might want to stick with thumbs or just links to the larger pics. Most importantly, though, 500 px in width is not nearly enough to do justice to your photography. I know I'd like to see those beautiful shots in much more detail (especially that second one... if it were big enough I'd make it my desktop background). :) (Unfortunately, we cannot just let this infraction slide. Please report to the basement for genital shock therapy.) Oh, and lest it seem that I posted simply to be a party pooper (yet again!), here's my contribution: [url=http://www.liminality.org/asylum/pow/120/first_color.jpg]First Color[/url] Yesterday was actually the first day we saw any real color around here. In the coming week I should hopefully get more shots. (By the way, I wasn't kidding about using the second one as a background. My desktop size is 1280 x 1024. ;))
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