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File backup system?
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I'm in need of some suggestions. One of the departments where I work deal with large files, some being 600mb or more, and there are lot of them and growing. I didn't realize that they were using this much space and that these files could be this large. So, I was wondering what are some suggestions for storage and backup. I would like them to have some grow room. They have almost filled a 250gb drive no problem and have some files stored on their local computers ( Windows and Mac). There's no backup of these files and they had one of the files go missing and then some corrupt. And here is the problem that I've came across. If I were to do some sort of NAS system with say 1TB of storage, a tape backup that could hold all that only has SCSI connections and can't run software. So...not sure what to do about that. I would like to have a 1TB storage and some sort of tape backup. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Later, C:\
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