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Are athiest the new gays?
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I would not say that atheism is the new gay or a cult. Vague similarities in being a mistrusted minority but it shouldn't be stretched too far. The idea in that as far as I can tell is to separate the idea from its negative associations while getting more people to be vocal about it. I dislike the method but applaud the goal. There are 2 reasons that I can see for using a word besides atheist. [url=http://friendlyatheist.com/2007/05/30/i-cause-civil-wars/]This is one[/url]. The term atheist has negative connotations in our culture and if you, like Dawkins, are spreading an idea that is more then just atheism there is no reason not to get away from that term. The second is that saying I'm an atheist only tells you what I am not, that I do not believe in gods. Thats about as useful as pointing at a dog and saying it is not a cow. Of course not, but what is it? We don't need a new word for atheism but to use the word for what we are. My goal is to show that while being an atheist I can and will make the world a better place. To redeem the word rather then replace it. Though I will leave it behind when I find a word that describe me better then what I have found so far. __________________________ Eagles get sucked into jet engines and weasels are oft maligned, but beavers just make nice hats. [url=http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/]WCG[/url]|[url=http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/]FA@H[/url]
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