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Cave May Hold Secrets to Legend of Ancient Rome - discussion about legend vs fact
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[quote] [b]Suho1004 said:[/b] Another important point that seems to be missed by everyone involved is that sacred sites like these are often picked long after the events that supposedly surround them took place. [/quote] I'd say this is the key point. The articles I have read give no indication that anyone is promoting the location as being where the actual mythical event happened, but rather that this is the location the ancients held sacred in regard to the mythical event (whether they believed it happened there, or simply found it a suitable location). Of course, the fact that a location is found where a past people celebrated a mythical event "proves" nothing in regard to the myth, and lends no creedence whatsoever to any factual basis for the myth even. This clearly does also hold true in regard to the bible or any other mythical texts. I think you're point is clear enough, ws, but I think you're arguing against something that nobody is actually arguing for, and making a point that (at least) most accept right away.
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