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Take care of my garden, or to paraphrase WS, live. Suho is right in that the question needs clarification, but I would choose one option I can enjoy fully - because my passage time here is temporary. One option can be : code, or software design. It can be : travel. It can be : hacky sack or yoyo. It can be : whatever makes you feel GOOD - and if feeling good requires some professional accomplishment for you, then by all means do it. It if it is about seduction, go ahead. If it doesn't impact the freedom and rights of your peers in a negative way, go ahead : "living purposefully, respecting reality" - that is part of the psychological definition of self esteem, found also in buddhic texts, and completely tied to the notion of happiness. "Life is pain" and the only area in which you can really change something is yourself, thus, a purposeful life is one made of improvements - not the socially shiney ones, no notion of ego here. "Improvements" as whatever makes you feel full, for yourself, as opposed to full "of" yourself. ...And of course, had I won a couple of millions at a lottery, I'd feel incredibly good about rewarding argo's tips.
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