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PSP2 - Sharing YOUR experience
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hello guys, i got a psp slim and though that i'ld share my own experience ;) first, I would like to thank WhiteHawk for his help and suggestions, which actually encouraged me to buy one...and no, he doesn't work for Sony! :P first i'll start by correcting the topic's title and saying that there's no psp2 yet, what I was referring to was the PSP slim & lite version. 1) I got to see the fat PSP and compare it with the slim one. From weight, elegance and look, PSP slim is much beautiful than PSP fat 2) Yes, you can watch movies. Any sort of movies, as long as you convert them to appropriate formats. There is a free psp video converter tool that does the job for you. You can even convert FLV into MP4. 3) Browsing the web is possible, since PSP has WiFi support and a browser, you can navigate to sites normally, even those with https 3) Doing undocumented stuff (like programming it, installing other OS)? Well, did not try it, but some report that it is possible to install windows 98 or XP, ... through BOCHS Some say that there is DOSBOX for PSP, and you can install DOS 4) gaming experience? I got to see that I'm impressed...I come from computer games background, did not see PS 1 or 2 or XBOX, but PSP looks awesome for a portable and small device. The PSP slim can be hooked into a HDTV and you view through your big screen 5) Audio experience? Well, the player is nice, it comes with half a dozen of visualizations. The volume isn't so loud though. 6) what memory sizes are you using / can afford to use? I purchased a fake 4GB Sony Duo for 50$. I did not know it was fake until after I purchased it...actually seeing 50$ I was mesmerized and couldn't think more and felt it is not to be missed... Later I was reading that fakes do exist...and a simple way to verify a fake or a genuine is to check if there is MagicGate support in the stick (through the PSP's menu). The fake ones has a MagicGate label but actually it doesn't work. 7) Custom firmwares? Well, I think since one owns a PSP you can do whatever you want to it as long as you're not harming anyone. I've tried two custom firmwares (CFW) and they allow you to "bend" your PSP and do things it wasn't really supposed to be doing. Good luck. -- Regards, [url=http://lgwm.org/]Elias[/url]
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